Imagine any object could be a hyperlink to your favorite song, album or playlist online.
Brief description
This was a explorative project, part of a course at the Royal Insitute of Technology KTH. The aim of this project was to bring back the music sharing experience similar to mixtapes or vinyl discs. The goal was to give the user a tool to link any object she likes and create a link out of it to any song online. By doing this, the music can be rooted again in the real world and music can be experienced in context of an object which has meaning to somebody.
Explorative Project
Used MethodsPlexcards, critique sessions and supervision
Technology usedIllustrator, Photoshop
TeamCharles Windlin, Joni Baitar
My RoleStoryboard, Wireframing, Graphic Design
As an endresult we created a poster which described how the online music and the physical objects are brought together by using 3D scanning technology.
We started off by using the Plex card deck which is a playfull way of brainstorming with trigger words like "Competition", "Eroticism" or "Subversion" (more information here). Follow the brainstorming rules of the PLEX cards we developed several ideas and one of them is "aduna".
Throught the course we refinded out concept several time before we reach the final version for the poster.
We also designed parts of an mobile app which later rejected because we believe there was too much material to present. It would help to explain the concept but rather complicated the design and also a concise explanation.
Starting off from scratch with a very broad topic like "leisure" can be frustrating in the beginning. One has to be persistant and patient to keep coming up with ideas and not creating to much attachment to the first ideas ("kill your darlings").
I took part in the ideation process of the concept. Also I sketched out the wireframes and drafts for the poster and designed the poster in Adobe Illustrator.