Imagine an app that lets you meet your new home today, right around the corner.
Brief description
This was a commercial project, part of a course at the Royal Insitute of Technology KTH. The aim of this peoject was to create a business model and an application that might have commercial success. It was based on a former idea of my team mates.
Commercial Design Project
Used MethodsBusiness Model Generation, Prototyping, critique sessions and supervision
Technology usedSketch, Indesign, Invision
TeamJulia Gerhardson, Fiona Karlsson, Charles Windlin
My RolePrototype, Graphic Design
The concept entails an mobile app that enables the user to search for visiting hours of appartments on sale based on location and current time. The emphasis was on spontaneity, so that the user could look up possible openhouses at the time seh pleases. Another option was to being able to plan ahead and activate notifications if a openhouse is right around the corner.
Part of the project was also to create a flyer for potential investors.
Initially we had to create a business model. We used the Business Model Canvas from Alex Osterwalder which helped us to pin down whom to address, what supply chain we need and how to create a revenue. We created a prototype in Invision. The graphic design was done in Sketch from Bohemian Coding.
The business model has its challenges especially the revenue part. Most of the ideas have a nice value proposition, a matching customer base and a suitable supply chain. But how the revenue is created seems to be tougher than always assumed.
I took part in the business model generation, obviously. Also, I did the graphic design in Sketch and transfered it to invision and created the prototype.