Portfolio | Charles Windlin
Foggy Forest

Imagine a game where you have to defend a treasure against trolls only by hearing.

Brief description

This was a responsible design project, part of a course at the Royal Insitute of Technology KTH. The aim of this project was to design something to help the weak. We decided to create a game for social inclusion. We mainly focused on visually impaired people and how they can play together with non-impaired people without having a disatvantage or the feeling of being stigmatized.

Responsible Design Project



Used Methods

Desktop Research, Brainstorming, Wizard of Oz, critique sessions and supervision

Technology used

Illustrator, Photoshop, MobMuPlat


Sanna Nordahl, Charles Windlin

My Role

Prototyping, Game Mechanics, Presentation


Foggy Forest is a Mobile Multi Player Audio Game without visual content. The main goal is to fight against trolls and other fierce creatures in the foggy forest where nobody is able to see far because the fog is so thick. King Albert wants you to protect his treasure in the centre of the forest from the trolls that try to attack you and your teammates. You'll stand around the treasure and will shoot and beat up the trolls that try to attack you and steal the treasure! King Albert will stand by your side with his wisdom and will explain all the rules and techniques you can use to defeat your opponents.

Design Process

In the beginning we had the intention to create a game for both, the impaired and the nonimpaird therefore with audio and visual content. We quickly realized this approah would make thing very complicated in terms of interactions and would create a multitude of rules which would be hard to learn for the player.

By focusing on audio solely the game mechanics got easier to understand and the story got more compeling. We created a prototype with the Wizard of Oz method in which the computer is played by a human. We enacted the monsters and the king. The user was asked to close their eyes and hold an iPhone in their hand which acted as the game controller. I tried to use MobMuPlat an iOS app to import Pure Data patches. The idea was to control the vibration motor in the iPhone remotely from a Laptop. It was also planned for to use it to create audio effects. Due to time and a very slow network we decide to not use the prototype in the testing.

First idea with audio and visual content named "Pirate Island"

First idea of the game mechanics

Wizard of Oz Prototype: I (left) played the troll, Sanna (center) played the king. The user holding the iPhone is on the right.


Focusing and finding real issues in society is a long and demanding task. To quickly you could end up in a solution that seems architected for a very nnarrow group and in the end doesn't help anybody. The key is not only user interviews and expert interview but also user testing.

Role in Team

I was mainly responsible for the game mechanics, prototyping and the presentation material.